Sunday, July 7, 2024

An 80 Year Old's Journey Toward Ironman Waco 70.3 Oct 6th - Day 11

 My biggest training day of the week which isn't saying much.  And, to celebrate my one good day, I torpedo my nutrition by eating a ton of jellybeans and then a quantity of ice cream.  I wonder about my sanity sometimes.  Do I need a shrink? 

Down to earth time.  I may be 80 years old and still doing a lot of things I did fifty years ago, but times like these take me down a peg and remind me that I am so terribly human.  It reminds me too thaty there are probably lots of people trying to improve their health, their weight, their performance and facing the same impulses to self-harm that are so human. It's a war out there and my biggest opponent looks back at me in the mirror every morning. "We have met the enemy and he is us."

The only thing I know to do with this is to get up and fight my way out of the corner. If I need a reason not to yield to future negative impulses, I could use the memory of the way I feel now to combat my cravings.

Sometimes I think God uses things like this to humble us and drive us to our knees in prayer then urge us  get up and "run the race He has set before us."

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