Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Week # 16 - Training for Ironman Texas 2020 - The Opportunity to Try

It was a pretty good week. I am feeling strong sometimes out there and there is a sort of rhythm to it sometimes that I haven't felt in a while.  Am I afraid to get positive on this?  Am I going to insist of worrying over my many weaknesses and possible pitfalls or am I going to take the risk of going all-in for the positive; all in and let God be my strength and let God do damage control if there is serious damage.  Like the saying; "Let go and let God."

Perhaps I am not any braver than I ever was but just more dependent and reliant upon God.  I hope so and that I am not going through a temporary thing of high times in good times.   Time is passing quickly to the event and there is a quickening of the heart when I count the days until.  Yes, I am scared but at present, I am smiling at the prospect that I would line up for that event.  Thanks God for the opportunity to try.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Week #15 - Training for Ironman Texas 2020- Bouncing Back

  Last week I finally took two days off in a row:  a real revelation for me.  Overall weekly training hours weres only down 1 hour on the average so I guess I bounced back well.   Bouncing back; I guess that is the only physical gift God gave me; to just getting up off the floor and try to fight one more round; that is all I have got to go with.  When that plays out I am out of bullets.

But time is passing quickly and I need to ramp up and get serious or get off this ride. I want to ride a while longer.  As I write this both legs are tender with soreness from a couple of great bike rides in some great weather.  There is a sort of satisfaction in that if that makes any sense.  When I get up from the chair and it hurts a bit, I know I fought the good fight today.  I sense God is pleased with my effort as well, and that makes it all the more worthwhile to go at it this week, to "run the race set before me."

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Week #14 - Training for Ironman Texas 2020 - For Another Day Unlike Any Other Day

Last week was a sort of stagger through my training.  Giving up completely crossed my mind a couple times last week.  So many conflicting issues crowd out my time and focus.  It seems so many people want a part of me and at the same time, no one appears to be aware of what I am doing.  Strange contradiction, I know, and sometimes I feel like a secret agent for Ironman or something, with my identity in hiding.  : )

Too, I am getting very tired. Legs are sore a lot and days off - 2 in the last 75 days and one of those was an outside workday- have been minimal.   It seems I am the author of my own book of self-destruction.   And, my book on my ironman failures has made very little progress.  Reading about my ironman effort over 2 years ago always inspires me. So, with the lack of support from anyone except my wife, perhaps I should pursue the writing of my small book, A DAY UNLIKE ANY OTHER DAY.  Then maybe I can prepare myself for another experience, another day unlike any other day.  God help me with this.


Wednesday, November 6, 2019

13th Week - Training for Ironman Texas 2020 - I Still Believe in Miracles

Last week was not that bad as I got my long bike and my long run done on consecutive days.  I felt it later but it felt good while doing it and I still feel good about just getting that done.  Sure it is nothing like the training to come but every day I get out there and do what I have for the day; I take that one more step toward the event. When I consider my age (75), my own disabilities and my lack of talent and all the present illnesses and disabilities of several friends and family, then I begin to believe more and more that each day I succeed is a miracle.

Tomorrow I will have to do my long ride on the indoor trainer:  tough duty.  For me it is hard to stay on an indoor training for several hours, cranking away. So, when I step on I will be looking for my miracle of the day to get me through.

Like I said in the last post; I intend to take one day at a time until I finish the event in April 2020 or the miracles stop and I can't go on. God knows  I am in way over my head. It will take a miracle of sorts every day.    But, I still believe in miracles.