Tuesday, July 2, 2024

An 80 Year Old's Journey Toward Ironman Waco 70.3 Oct 6th - Day 7

 Day 7.  This makes a week and I haven't bailed yet.  Maybe I do have a little courage left in this old psyche after all. Yeah, I've actually made a week without quitting.  I won't say it didn't cross my mind a couple times. 

I can remember in a marathon and thinking I'm done.  I can't take another step.  But something inside said, "Yes you can. Just take one more step."  I did, then fought myself to take another and managed to finish the marathon. It wasn't pretty but it was one of my "finest hours."  

I guess that's what I am looking for here among a lot of other things,  to have the courage to go on as far as courage can take me and have another "finest hour," and another "well-done" from God.  Maybe when this is over I will have a little different vision of myself.?

Today was another easy day on an easy week.  I did my weight/strength/flex exercises and did a hard bike ride.  I guess that knowing I wasn't going to ride that long brought out the beast in me and I hammered the course on my indoor trainer. Seems I have enthusiasm to go with more courage, and as long as that lasts, I am graterful.  A good day.  Thanks God.

below:  the link for the beginning of this journey.


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