Monday, September 27, 2021

Ironman Texas Training Week #2 - Trying to Get the Rhythm Going

 This is a transition time into the rhythm of ironman training.  The leftover mindset with it consequents habits still linger, slowing the training down and shifting focus.  It is sort of like breaking a horse.  It is hard to get the saddle on the days of training. 

I think it is sort of the way I think of myself.  It seems I haven't fully embraced what I am involved in here. It is quite easy and natural to drift only with life as before as I lose track that I need to get the days training in.  Consequently, I seem to always be catching up on my training.  

However, I have been doing really well sticking to my nutrition plan I made for this process. Winning some, losing some, some are a draw. So it is with my faith life.  I had planned to read a Bible chapter a day as means of keeping myself spiritually focused and committed to keeping God in the front and center of my effort.  Perhaps, I should do that first thing every day.  

"Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all these things shall be added unto you."

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Ironman Training Week #1 - The Weekend - Planning

 It is a cool morning in the country and I should be out running or riding.  However, I don't have my training plan in place and have been working on that.  Looking at that mega-training next spring just scares me and makes me doubt, or at best wonder, can I do that?  Forget the event. Can I do that kind of training anymore.  A wiser person would pull the plug and get out of the danger zone as quickly as possible.  

And so I go on planning my training misery.   This is where I have decided to go and the only thing left to do is to "make straight the path."  Such is life as well.  "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail."  I have resolved not to fail due to lack of planning but only if my plan fails.  So, I ask for prayers in planning this adventure.  I ask for prayers to have the faith, the trust, and perseverance to complete this beasts, that is "run the race that set before me."

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Ironman Training Week 1 - Something New - Bless Me On My Journey

 Day before yesterday I began another Ironman Journey.  This is to lead to April 23, 2022.  I will be 78 competing as a 79 year old and that doesn't look that good from here.  There is a good chance I will be the oldest one doing the event, but so what? 

Even if it comes to naught, I have before me 32 weeks of training and I love that experience.  It is a saga all its own.  It has gone well thus far.  Impediments to training have already surfaced and will have to be dealt with but they didn't catch me by surprise this time.  

I have resolved to lose about 15 pounds before the event which requires that I do without chips, cookies, refined sugar (except during training) and go to bed at a regular hour to get adequate rest.  I already eat a plant based diet (no meat, no fish, no cheese, no dairy, minimal sugar, and bad fats consuming lots of vegetables and fruits and nuts and whole grains. )  

I am also going to ramp up my morning strength/flex sessions in the mornings and be more consistent.  Already I do 60 push ups a lot of days plus some light weight workouts.  So, I am not coming at this cold turkey. 

And for personal and spiritual development, I will read my Bible every day and practice deep breathing and personal prayer and meditation.  I think I have have a good plan if I can just continue to execute it well.  This is not as fearful and apprehension producing as other ironman training attempts.  There is not much to lose and much to gain from this journey.  Bless me again.