Friday, July 5, 2024

An 80 Year Old's Journey Toward Ironman Waco 70.3 Oct 6th - Day 8 and Day 9

 Just didn't get the post out here and another day happened.  This is an "easy week" and it stinks. Taking  it easy has allowed all kinds of other duties to get in the mix.  End of story is that I still feel tired from all the work and the oppressive humidity and heat, leaving me sapped of strength.  No wonder I don't take many days off.  Seems I can't handIe days off.   It's pretty obvious  I  don't have the discipline for resting and recovering.  

I did get in a sweatfest run of an hour and ten minutes  a couple of days ago.  The heat drained me down and I could feel the residual effects a long time. 

Really, right now along this journey, it doesn't look good for the home team.  I will pray.  Maybe a few hands clapping would keep my sprits elevated sufficiently to get past these bad patches alone this journey.  

But, I am 80 years old and not many my age get to live like this.  Not many get the opportunity to have this journey, to succeed wonderfully or to fail miserably.  I praise God for this journey whatever the result.  I am so blessed.

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