Thursday, July 18, 2024

An 80 Year Old's Journey Toward Ironman Waco 70.3 Oct 6th - Day 19

 Still here,   Today we had rain andit was  partly cloudy so I took the chance to work on my septic system.  Lots of digging and pulling, involved, sort of a real-life CrossFit thing.  I did my flex workout before all the digging and when it was all over, a bath and a big meal were in order.   

This whole heat training thing must have me broken down some because I laid out on the floor after the bath and slept like death.   I woke up knowing that  I needed to get in some training for today but the body and mind and spirit joined in open revolt.  Take the day off they screamed.  I almost did.  But then I thought, this is  where endurance really is.   It is in the getting up and facing down the fatigue, and the don't want to that haunts us all at some point.  This is the defining practice of our sport. It is my only gift:  I can take a lot of abuse and usually get up and keep moving forward. That's it. Nothing fancy.   That's all I got.  So, I went about training my only gift.  

Got on my indoor bike and a few hundred pedal strokes sent the doldrums scurrying for cover and I had a great ride.  Thank you, God.

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