Saturday, July 6, 2024

An 80 Year Old's Journey Toward Ironman Waco 70.3 Oct 6th - Day 10

 More bad news.  My new watch says my run time is so bad that it is not reasonable to think I can make the race cut-off.  It's the first time I have used my new watch and my only hope is that the watch was a terribly bad deal and it is horribly wrong.  I hoping I really got ripped off on this watch.  Otherwise, I need to stop this foolishness and take up  putt-putt golf or something else like that. I would have to be a pro cyclist to compensate for the pitiful run speed and make the course cut-off.  

Today the heat wasn't off the charts but humidity was.  The hour run was another sweatfest.  This stuff is  hard. About now I am flat on my back on this journey.  But now that I am flat on my back, I can only look up.  Up is where the Hope is. 

Perhaps, I should trust God more and worry less about not making the cut-off?   Perhaps, this effort is to be just that, an effort along a rewarding journey?  Making the cut-offs may not be the big reason for this effort because I am doing it with God, my mentor, the strength I lean upon and depend upon.  It's a journey with God.  Enjoy the trip. The cut-off will take care of itself. Smile through  the pain, sweat, and  discomfort.  You are with God.  God loves you.

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