Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Time I Did Not Overcome

Today, I drove out to do a five mile run. On the way it started raining. I wasn't dressed for that and the wind was blowing when I got out of the truck. Out on the road I was quickly wet and cold. After a mile I shut it down. Perhaps, I should have continued in spite? Perhaps, like when I was training for an event, I should have soldered on, no matter. I have before; lots of times. Why not today?

There is no event in my near future. There is no goal to strive through adversity for. And so it is with our faith. Without the purpose and guidance of God in our lives, we can be lead to bow to that which with God's purpose and guidance, we once overcame.

"Let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets us and run with patience the race that is set before us" and not quit because the weather is damp and cold.

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