Monday, December 28, 2009

Thinking New Year--Is This the Year?

It has been my experience that I don't do as well on the flats but I am better at fighting uphill battles. This year starts off with rotator cuff surgery. Maybe this is just what I need: a serious setback to provoke me to finally step up to the plate and take a swing at the full ironman. Just go on in; don't think; don't waffle, don't be so rational. What is the worst that can happen: I could get really injured in the process and be sidelined. Newsflash ! I am already injured and sidelined without ever trying for an ironman. No, I haven't even had the pleasure of failing successfully yet at the ironman.

So, the new year is soon upon me. What do I do with the gift? Perhaps only to have the courage to use it.

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