Friday, December 11, 2009

Humbled and Exalted

This cold, damp, overcast week has me looking at the event listings for next year. It is like I am burrowing out of myself into the sunshine little by little. And, I looked at that half ironman distance event to be held in Galveston, April 25th. Probably be windy then. Will have to wear a wetsuit because the water will be a little cold. Could be foul weather about then. With this bad shoulder, I doubt I could do a half by then. I checked the participant list: those who have already registered in spite of all the negatives. A much larger number of folks have registered than I would have expected. Fools! Don't they know the water might be cold, the weather bad and the course windy? But oh my, on that list I found a man my age. Then the cruncher: there was a man 79 who had signed up. And I thought of part of that quote by Theodore Roosevelt and how aptly it so aptly applie at this point: "----------if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold timid souls who have never tasted victory of defeat."

Thank God for brave souls of all ages who humble us with their courage. Perhaps, with enough humility I will indeed be exalted.

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