Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Ironman Diary Day 2

Ironman Texas training was hot today.  A 37 minute run was a chore and was perhaps the hottest run I have done this year.  I guess the perservering heat has cut me down a bit.  I was so tired on my bike ride (trainer) after that and my swim was not that good either. 

But, I have learned through years of training for something:  Don't believe the moment for the real deal.  If it is going good:  it will change. If it is going bad: it will change.  Of course it is disconcerting when it is a day like today.   So, when I got back from the swim, I got on my small tractor and starting mowing pasture.  There is something about that activity which has a calming effect; calming to the extent that I can truly pray for thanks that I got through this day and am blessed to be on this journey

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