My bike course wasn't that bad, but there were several bunches of dogs along the route. I have been bitten three times in the last five years, and in two of the three cases, the dogs did not have rabies shots. I love dogs. Some slowed me down by getting ahead of my front wheel and eventually stopping me for a pet-athon. That wasn't so bad at all. But some dogs just seem to want to be unfriendly, no matter what.
The last time I was bitten-about 3-4 months ago-I sort of flew off the handle at the owner. I didn't curse or call names, but one could tell I was not a happy camper. Sure didn't like what that did to me. So, after about ten years of riding back and forth on that road, I don't ride it anymore. They can have "dog row."
Because of these incidents, I was forced to seek other routes and I have found one: twice as long a route, more hills, steeper hills, less traffic, much more challenging, and NO DOGS! YES!
I can feel it, getting in much better shape on the bike with these harder workouts with no stops for dogs. This is working out so well, I am glad something moved me out of my comfort-zone route to find meaner pastures - tougher routes. It all turned out for the best. Sometimes it may take a dog bite to get me to take a bigger bite out of training, out of myself, out of life, and a bigger step into my calling. Thank you God.
"All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose."
Romans 8;28
Good Morning Marv. I love this post. You are so right. God does move us out our comfort zones, not to fail but to grow in his strength, and trust that what he wants for us is a true blessing and growing experience. I have started a new blog It's called Runners Daily Prayer,
This blog post has given me an idea for a new post I hope you don't mind if I reference your blog when I post it. Have an awesome and blessed day Marv.
Don't mind at all and, in fact, honored by it. Will look in on
God bless you Steven.
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