Sunday, October 24, 2021


 Company here and so many distractions that the training for the fifth week was not that great.  There was a 60 mile bike ride with a 2 mile brick run following and later in the week a 2 hour run, but the passion seems subdued, in danger of more disruption from whatever personal wind might blow.  

This is ironman training at its best.  This is where its made or broken in the harder personal challenges that come against us;  to have to reach down and declare who and what you are about. Today I feel somewhat angry with myself and want to reaffirm not to let my calling down again. God help me to keep that promise.  God help me to live out my promise to Him, myself, and my wife to do my very best.  That hasn't happened yet, but I am determined to make it so.

I am tired of getting lost in the mire of everyday life issues to the extent that I lose sight of the journey I am on and what I am doing it for.  God help me to see the bigger picture of where this is leading and find my way to the whatever finish line He has in store.   Amen.

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