Monday, May 13, 2024

Just Begin ------AGAIN !!

  • The week was getting away from me, again.  Hold on. I need to get that training in.   But I feel so whipped on so many levels.  The internal dialogue continued. "Fix your water bottles for the ride" "But" "Just begin, Marv. You'll never make it happen unless you begin. Come on, take the first step.  Begin.  "How am I going to do this with all I have coming against me?" 
  • "Just begin." That was the same conversation I had with myself in a previous post by when I did my half-ironman distance event.  The water was so cold. My doubts were working overtime on my confidence. My thoughts became, "Come on, let's just begin."
  • I feel like a fool for signing up for Ironman Waco 70.3, but I did.  It's not my first act of stupidity.  After over 40 years of this stuff and having faced this same struggle many times, I  know that if I will just take that first step; just start the momentum, I can usually get the job done. And sometimes, unexpectedly, I might have a great day, a great workout that will make it all worth it.   

  • If I had only one piece of advice to give to those considering entering the endurance fitness arena, it would be this: just begin. Step into the water. You just might surprise yourself.

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