Friday, May 17, 2024

In the Moment With God


In doing endurance sports I have always hoped that I was an inspiration for others to emulate.   However, this thought crossed my mind the other day:  do I want to be an inspiration or do I want to inspire.  Often I thought they were the same thing.   But  being an inspiration, isn't that about me becoming something rather than specifically about others being inspired?  As an old triathlete do I really like it when others applaud my performance because of my age and I consequently feel like a tough old bird for my age?  Or, do I do it so others might be inspired to challenge their own perceived age limitations, whether it be age, physicality, or whatever

Upon examining true motives I have often found myself prideful-pounding on my chest like some geriatric Tarzan.  There is a scripture that says something to the effect, “Search me O God and know my heart:  try me and know my thoughts.” (Psalm 139:23)  That is a scary proposition.  It would be a lot easier and less painful to work on the faults of someone else.  But I have found that my greatest times of personal and spiritual growth occur after I have sincerely asked God to “fix me, fix me!”

I would love to do another ironman.  That would be quite satisfying and uplifting but to make life complete, I only have to be grateful and giving, completely in life, in the moment with God.


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