Friday, February 10, 2023

The Fast Continues - The Final Phase of Self-Denial

Only 7 1/2 hours to go on this 48 hour fast.  Amazing how much easier it is when you have some time and experience in this.  At first, I was looking for snacklets all the time.  At first, I was thinking food at breakfast, lunch and dinner.  It was supposed to be.  The paradigm seems to have shifted a bit and a newer habit is in the works.  It probably won't be enough time in to become permanent, but the effect surely can't be missed in modifying future eating habits.   But this is good.  However, I do notice that I get fatigued more easily from my morning exercise.  There is an underlying shaky that I am not used to.   

I think this is good endurance training.  It trains the mind in the habits of foregoing present comfort for a future goal.  It can teach sacrifice and self-denial, important in endurance sports and in relationship with others.  Sometimes, love is going to cost something.   We need to know we can pay that price.  This can be the parent/child relationships, or an elder relative that needs that love and care that requires sacrifice and self-denial.  That's what God wants of us. 

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