Thursday, February 16, 2023


 We have done an intermittent fast the last couple of days.  So far, not much change.  It does add structure to life, that is, trying to figure out when to eat and still get all the other stuff in life done.  But I would imagine, that that exercise is good for life structure as well.  

Right now without structured training, some form of life-structure could be a real asset.  I remember fishing far down the river and we broke the prop off the motor.  We were left to drift with the current down the river, away from home.  It is a helpless feeling at the mercy of the current swept  along where you would not have chosen to go.  Life seems sort of like that sometimes and I  don't like it.  And,  I  suppose when I don't like it enough, when I  come to myself , I will do  something to fight aimless drifting and challenge the drift.  

Drifting powerless  down river is a helpless feeling  but it doesn't have to stay that way.  The main thing is not to turn that momentary "helpless" into a full time "hopeless."  

We picked  up the  paddles and made our way to shore.  With each taking  turns pulling the  boat by the bow line,  we waded tiresome miles against the current pulling the boat finally to home.    I can do  that.  God give me  the strength,  the will, to  pick up  my paddle and make  for  shore. The  way  will be hard and tiresome but it is the only way to true home.

Never give up.  God is still working.  Are you?

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