Friday, June 17, 2022

Living by Exception

 I have been trying to eat whole food, plant-based for about 5 years now.  Yes, I am pretty healthy and capable at 78 years old.  I don't take medication.  Most of my markers are fine.  However, I have not lost the weight I would have hoped.  

What's wrong?  Wouldn't it be nice to be 20 lbs lighter to keep the extra load off the joints running or for climbing on the bike?  What's the problem?

So, at the beginning of this "transition" (see previous posts) I started tracking weight and dietary exceptions to my eating plan.  It wasn't pretty - back to knowing yourself.  What I found was that I have an eating plan rife with "exceptions."   "The truth will set you free" and "just" is the killer word that can keep you enslaved to habits that don't speak to your progress.  An eating plan shot through with exceptions will not lead to success, and excuses like "this little bit won't hurt" could be the saboteur of my weight loss.  

Is it really a plan at all or an act of self-deception if I turn aside at the first opportunity to yield to a temptation?  And doesn't this  apply to all phases and areas of our lives?  We can never get where we say we what to go if we ultimately live by exception to our plans.  For me, getting off on bad habits is sort of an erosion: an erosion of purpose, will, and finally personal progress.  

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