Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Ironman Texas 2022 - Week # 6 - Determined

 I have determined to be more determined in my pursuit of Ironman Texas.  There are too many miles behind me to fear and dread the miles ahead of me.   The pandemic restrictions have sapped some spirit that I want back.  It is either quit this altogether or put myself altogether in it.  No more of the half-hearted, well maybe stuff.  

I made that  determination was made but first thing Monday morning the devil came after me.  It  was a wetsuit swim in a pool that they keep at 70 degrees.  This was my first wetsuit swim in a while and the first laps right away felt uncomfortable in the wetsuit.  My face and neck were getting cold. I was alone in the pool so I was just swimming round and round, simulating an open water swim. This is stupid, I thought.  The whole ironman thing is stupid.  Let's get out of this stupid wetsuit and go home where I can do something more meaningful, like watching the television or chatting on Facebook. 

Right.  That would be stupid waste of the gift of health and opportunity that God has provided.  "Not everyone has a chance to live like this." And, many that do, don't and won't.  And at my age, I often think about how I want to leave things.  My mission statement says, " I want to leave a legacy others will feel lead to emulate and God will be proud of."  So again I determined not to live like those that don't and won't and live like one who can and will try. I determined again to be  one out to leave such that legacy "others will feel lead to emulate and God will be proud of.  

I pushed on through the doldrums of can't until things began to more more smoothly and relaxed.  It turned out to be  a great swim. Something happened on that swim.  I determined to renew my commitment and live bravely again, hang the risk and the cost.

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