Monday, September 27, 2021

Ironman Texas Training Week #2 - Trying to Get the Rhythm Going

 This is a transition time into the rhythm of ironman training.  The leftover mindset with it consequents habits still linger, slowing the training down and shifting focus.  It is sort of like breaking a horse.  It is hard to get the saddle on the days of training. 

I think it is sort of the way I think of myself.  It seems I haven't fully embraced what I am involved in here. It is quite easy and natural to drift only with life as before as I lose track that I need to get the days training in.  Consequently, I seem to always be catching up on my training.  

However, I have been doing really well sticking to my nutrition plan I made for this process. Winning some, losing some, some are a draw. So it is with my faith life.  I had planned to read a Bible chapter a day as means of keeping myself spiritually focused and committed to keeping God in the front and center of my effort.  Perhaps, I should do that first thing every day.  

"Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all these things shall be added unto you."

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