Wednesday, February 26, 2020

28th Week - Training for Ironman Texas 2020 - Revelations and Relationships

Ironman training is supposed to be a journey; perhaps a journey of discovery.  Sometimes I forget that and overlook or minimize the satisfying steps along the way.  Sometimes it is just the make-you - smile experiences that evolve into reality over time, along the journey that gives it a certain sweetness.

Through running here on these often bad roads, I have gotten to know a lot of people who can't resist the impulse to stop and talk to this crazy old man out slip-sliding in the mud.  Who knows the positive influence something that out of the ordinary around here makes on someone.  Also, I have gotten to know the dogs around here very well.  They all know now how to sit before I give them treats.  One has learned to roll-over for me.  Some who formerly barked vigorously at me, now sit patiently at the end of their driveway and wait for me to get there and give me glad-to-see-you tail wags.

There are other benefits of the Miles of the Journey.  I can tell I have changed a bit myself and I can sense it is for the better; a better me.  The hardships, the struggles, the consuming fatigue have taken me down past a lot of pride and helped to make me more accepting; yet more discerning; less afraid to let things and people go; more determined and committed to be myself warts and all, affirming I am working on the warts.

This past week of training, was nothing special but consistent. God has been good to me in the revelations and relationships along the Miles of the Journey.

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