Wednesday, February 19, 2020

27th Week - Training for Ironman Texas 2020 - Burning the Bridges

Ironman training has always been revealing.  All it takes is a few months of trying to exert discipline on your lifestyle and you know how vulnerable you are to being steered aside from the path you thought you chose.

Given that, I can see how hard it would be to truly motivate and coach others to a better life result when you can't do that for yourself.  End game is humility and yet another lesson from ironman training.

Last week I did OK but failed to get that long bike ride or that long run.  Oh, the hours and the miles were good but the long stuff I must have run away from. Excuses? Yeah, got quite a few:  the weather was bad; I have to run on dirt and often muddy roads; I have a 30-45 minute drive for an outside ride if the weather did permit; there was so much admin work to do like taxes; then there were visitors showing up unannounced, and on and on, wah, wah, wah, boo-hoo-hoo and so on.

This week started out even worse and time passes until the event: closer, closer still, and I am dwaddling around in nah-nah land with my training.  So, I am going back to my schedule and make myself some bottom limits or performance.  If I don't do above that this next week.  I am dropping out of Ironman Texas.  I need to burn my bridges behind me and leave no other choice than to fight the good fight.  I think God expects no less.

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