Wednesday, February 5, 2020

25th Week - Training for Ironman Texas 2020 - Particpant List Acid Reflux

Today the participant list for Ironman Texas came out.  It is not certain why this excites me.  But it does.  According to my calculations, I am the second to oldest participant this year.  There is an 80-year-old signed.  God bless this man.   There are so few of us still doing this at advanced ages.  I counted 11 other men in the 70-74 age group.  

It is great to have something like this.  There are lots of people my age that doesn't seem to have much to get up for anymore and I see that as a shame.  And, it makes me grateful for my own quest, however it turns out. Through my faith in God who brought me my zeal for endurance sports, I have seemed to have sidestepped the quicksands of despair that can be prevalent in these later paths. 

As I reviewed the list of participants and thought of the event and all it entailed and required, I got a light case of acid reflux.  There is only one other participant in my age group.  If I could but just finish this bad boy,  I might qualify to go to Kona for the World Championship.   All of this is frivolous, of course.  In a few years, all this will be "scattered by the swirling winds of time."  All will be gone except God.  But,  I could not but help but smile at myself; the perpetual child, it seems;  blessed by it all and blessed to be a child of God.

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