Tuesday, January 16, 2024

You Can Do This

 There never was a better time.   You can do this. Don't look to the right or left.  Put all force forward, one step ahead of the other.  Don't quit; don't make excuses to retreat to ease and comfort.  Embrace the pain.  It's part of life. Grit your teeth. Deal with it.  Don't be humbled by it.  Be humbled only by God and all He can do with even poor material like you.  

Move on, keep moving on; forward.  Accept His help.  Depend upon His promises no matter what today looks like.   Live out your faith in trust in Him to get you through this no matter what happens. Nevertheless.   

You are tempted for lesser days on every side by family, friends, social media, and mostly your own lack of courage and laziness.    Get over yourself and your comfort and conformity addiction.  Move on.  Your prayers have been answered with "Trust me."  You can do this. Praise God and keep moving forward.

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