Monday, July 4, 2022

My Training Self-Deception

 There have been two pretty good training weeks and I woke up very tired this morning.  So, I am confronted with the problem I always have with training and exercise:  taking some time off.  When I think about taking a day off, my mind immediately goes to all the push-pull stuff I could do around here. And these tasks would be as taxing  and fatigue perpetuating as training itself.  I am  caught in a trop; my own worst enemy.  

Why do I worry about my numbers and the way the training progress will look, when I am brain-fogged with fatigue?  Maybe if I just get out there and run or bike, I will feel less fatigued, and I won't have to miss a day?  So, with all this self-deception going on, for the most part, I live tired. 

I can see through myself on this but don't do much to correct it..  Maybe today?  After all it is a holiday.  Maybe confronting this area of self-deception my lead to me realizing and correcting other areas of self-deception in my life.  I can't do this on my own.  I will pray. Like the scripture says, "Search me and try me." 

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