Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Week # 15: Training for Ironman Texas 2022 - Challenges for Dinosaurs

 Winter weather is finally settling in and training will have some new challenges.  Of course, that is one of the things I think I like about being in training, is the challenges that come and having to overcome them.  Or, perhaps I become overcome and have to pick myself up off the floor and fight on.   

At this age training is infested with so much doubt.  The fragility of life and capability has been impressed severely upon me, and I have to fight living fearfully.  Another challenge to be overcome:  old age fear of what could happen. 

And when I run out of personal things to be fearful about, I can start worrying about the event being cancelled due to COVID again.  I have been kicked down the road to this event, through deferrals for a couple years now.  It is enough to cause concern with the event this year:  another challenge to overcome.

I just use the "give me this day" approach to my training.  My goal is to get the workouts done on my training schedule for that day. And the days have been good to me.  Last week was  one of the biggest weeks training that I have had in more than a year and I don't feel that bad from it.  How great!

There are not many of us Ironman dinosaurs left in these events anymore.  Creepers like me are a dying species destined for extinction.  What I am trying to do is really off the charts when it comes to insanity.  It's crazy to go on with this, I know.  But God is with me in it so far and I guess I will be there taking one day at a time until He stops me, in training or in the event.  Or He might just bless me and let me finish this bad boy within the cut off.  In all cases, I am truly blessed.

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