Saturday, August 14, 2021

An Angels Work

 It was a hot, humid, summer day in Texas much like today and I was set up for a long bike ride.  I had 7-8 bottles of water to get me through the long ride. It didn't go as planned.  Something broke on my bike that I couldn't fix out on the road and my ride was done.  I was angry as I had worked and planned for this long ride and needed to get this one in for my training schedule to stay on track.  But, there was nothing to do but get in the truck and take it home in a foul mood of frustration and disappointment.  That is where God showed up.

On a long stretch of road I saw a vehicle with the hood up on the side of the road.  I slowed to see what was going on to find an older black man looking  at his radiator hiss at him.  I stopped and walked over.  Other vehicles came along but none stopped.  The man was on his way to his daughter's house about 3-4 miles down the road and his old car couldn't stand the strain of Texas highway heat.  Those were before the days of cell phones and the old man had no money anyway.  

We talked a while - a really nice gentlemen- while his car cooled down a bit.  Then the idea came to me. I went to my truck and got all my bike bottles I had planned for my big, had to get done bike ride, and one by one poured the contents into his radiator.   The old man smiled when I told him I would follow him to his daughters house to see he made it without overheating his car again.   He made it just fine and I waved good bye to him and he thanked me over and over with a God bless you thrown in here and there.  

That day I did something for someone who couldn't do anything for me but make me feel really special for  being in place for God to use me to help the old man.  There was joy I felt in being obedient that is hard to describe. The well done I felt from God made me feel special like I done an angels work on that hot summer day.  

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