Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Seeking God

 Some days you may not feel like trying.  Why not just go with the flow like it seems most people do. Enjoy the ride.  Take in the scenery, rest, and relax. Sometimes the goal doesn't seem so worthwhile when you really don't feel that well or things are not going that great.  And you question yourself, your abilities, your drive, and the need for it all. Days like these can go into other similar days until there is a certain fatigued despair in the moments. These are seemingly the "dog days" of our lives; a bad patch you just have to live yourself through and come out the other side with renewed hope.

Sometimes faith gets like that but the remedy can be quite different.  Sometimes God just seems not to be listening.  Prayers drift into thinking about something else.  You just can't stay connected.  But I have found that during these disconnects, I am one not listening.  I am the one holding on to  a habit, a thought pattern, or even a sin that separates my heart from God.  When I ask God to "search me and try me" and really mean it, and really take it inside, I find it is I who is holding on to what causes the disconnect.  It is I who has moved away from this relationship.  

A lot of the time that revelation is on a long run or bike ride. We have to become aware of and remove the impediments keeping us apart from God and physical activity is not only good for your body but good for truly seeking God.

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