Sunday, May 17, 2020

Maybe, Just Maybe

Sunday morning and the rain is over for the time being and the sun is out.  There is hope even in the storms.  Yesterday, I ran for an hour and a half on muddy roads in a pouring rain.  It should have been a misery but it wasn't.  There was something of a peace from knowing I was overcoming.  No-matter-what was being faced down out there and I was winning.

And today, as I smile in satisfaction about yesterday, I think that maybe that is the way it is going to be in completing an ironman. Completing an ironman?  Haven't I heard the news?  Can't I understand that ironman is done for me.  By the time they get a handle on this virus thing, I will be so old they will have to start an antique age group for me.  Maybe I am too old already.  Maybe there won't even be any more ironman events except virtual ones, with no rain, wind, and muddy roads to overcome?  Maybe the conquest of yesterday has no bearing on the performance of tomorrow?

Just maybe.  Maybe is the hope, however slim its chances of fruition. Maybe gets me out there to hang on to that small thread that maybe, just maybe God has a plan for this; a plan for me to run in the rain on muddy roads and be thankful for it.

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