Friday, May 8, 2020

Fuzzy Future - Really ?

With all this quarantine stuff  my little world of doing endurance sports has a fuzzy future.  Who knows but that the old style of social interaction at these events will ever be the same.  Will it be worthwhile for what I want out of it?  This future is uncertain.  Our view ahead indistinct: a fuzzy future in my eyes but not for God.  God has got this and I have to believe that however the big world turns out; how my little world ends up, it is well.  This isn't the end of the story whatever happens; it is well with my soul.  

A  piece of  a devotion by Max Lucado speaks so well to this:

Here’s what you tell yourself: “I’m still God’s child.  My life is more than this life.  These days are a vapor, a passing breeze.  This will eventually pass.  God will make something good of this.  I will work hard, stay faithful, and trust Him no matter what.”
Choose to heed the call of God on your life.  You are God’s child.  Your life is more than this life, more than this broken heart, more than this difficult time.  God won’t break a promise. You will get through this!
MaxLucado. com 

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