Sunday, May 3, 2020

Fear Not

There is a saying that those who fail to plan, plan to fail. But sometimes even the planned can fail, can't it?  Take the pandemic for instance. Who could have planned for that entirely.  In the poker game of life, plan all you can but you still have to play the hand that is dealt you.  How you do that determines whether you succeed or not. 

So, I can plan to play the hand I have been dealt and play it well.  O don't plan to fail, but if I do hit a snag, failure isn't final with God.  In fact, many times it is just the starting line for more than one could dream of.  

What does that mean?  It means I am going to train for a half ironman event which may or may not occur.  I will train without actually paying for the entry until there is surety, and if not, I will do a half ironman here on my place in the country.  The same will apply with doing the ironman next spring.  The only drawback would be the races filling up and I wouldn't be able to enter.  However,  under the present set of circumstances, I can't see that happening.  But it could and I have planned for that too:  if the events fill up, I can still do my event here.  

Man is never defeated until defeated in spirit.  And there are times I get down on recent events and how they cloud the future.  But my Father is with me in all this and two words scattered throughout the Bible are "Fear Not."

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