Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What I Missed----------What I Miss

What I Missed---Ironman Texas 2020 : I would be getting a little antsy about now. My wife would be summoning all her patience and understanding for my mood altered behaviors. I would be working on a high rev about now; checking, double checking, lists, reminders, what ifs and all the good stuff. I would doubt I did enough training. I would fear I had done too much this close to the race. I would review again the nutrition plan and review again the plan for all that had to be done and when. I would obsess unnecessarily, I know but that is part of the bang for the buck for me. Tomorrow I would be planning to leave Thursday morning and would start to be scared in a wonderful way. I would fear what could happen yet yearn for the start when all becomes settled and purpose and a peace pervades.

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