Wednesday, January 22, 2020

23rd Week - Training For Ironman Texas 2020 - My Wilderness Experience

Last week was probably my best week yet.  I got in the long bike and long run and my best swim in a
while all within 4 days. And, I survived pretty much intact. Yeah, my vision for this ironman endeavor got a wider beam on it. I feel blessed.

Today, I'm doing something strange, that is, I am taking a day off.  I planned it and I am getting it done. I am on a roll.  Tomorrow I try my first HELL DAY.  It starts small as HELL DAYS go.  I swim for an hour, take a 90-minute break, bike for 3 hours, take a 90-minute break then run for an hour.

This is my own training plan I am on.  Who would be qualified to write a training plan for a 76-year-old?  The parameters change a lot with age and besides that, where I am at and where I am going is pretty much-uncharted territory.  A few my age have been here but not many. I love that.

When I bought this land I live on, it was a wilderness in the middle of practically a wilderness. The nearest neighbor was a mile or two away.  I carved this place out of the woods and built a home and roads and had a wilderness experience I still remember with relish. Now everything is built up here and I can see my neighbor not 300 yards away as I write this.

Things change and I seem to be at that wonderful age and ability time when I can traverse the wilderness of old aged training.  But that will change and there will come a time when  I will notice that I am not on a wilderness journey anymore.  Then I will look back with a satisfied grin that however this turns out, I had my wilderness experience in 2020 training for  Ironman Texas

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