Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Week # 16 - Training for Ironman Texas 2020 - The Opportunity to Try

It was a pretty good week. I am feeling strong sometimes out there and there is a sort of rhythm to it sometimes that I haven't felt in a while.  Am I afraid to get positive on this?  Am I going to insist of worrying over my many weaknesses and possible pitfalls or am I going to take the risk of going all-in for the positive; all in and let God be my strength and let God do damage control if there is serious damage.  Like the saying; "Let go and let God."

Perhaps I am not any braver than I ever was but just more dependent and reliant upon God.  I hope so and that I am not going through a temporary thing of high times in good times.   Time is passing quickly to the event and there is a quickening of the heart when I count the days until.  Yes, I am scared but at present, I am smiling at the prospect that I would line up for that event.  Thanks God for the opportunity to try.

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