Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Week #14 - Training for Ironman Texas 2020 - For Another Day Unlike Any Other Day

Last week was a sort of stagger through my training.  Giving up completely crossed my mind a couple times last week.  So many conflicting issues crowd out my time and focus.  It seems so many people want a part of me and at the same time, no one appears to be aware of what I am doing.  Strange contradiction, I know, and sometimes I feel like a secret agent for Ironman or something, with my identity in hiding.  : )

Too, I am getting very tired. Legs are sore a lot and days off - 2 in the last 75 days and one of those was an outside workday- have been minimal.   It seems I am the author of my own book of self-destruction.   And, my book on my ironman failures has made very little progress.  Reading about my ironman effort over 2 years ago always inspires me. So, with the lack of support from anyone except my wife, perhaps I should pursue the writing of my small book, A DAY UNLIKE ANY OTHER DAY.  Then maybe I can prepare myself for another experience, another day unlike any other day.  God help me with this.

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