Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Week #15 - Training for Ironman Texas 2020- Bouncing Back

  Last week I finally took two days off in a row:  a real revelation for me.  Overall weekly training hours weres only down 1 hour on the average so I guess I bounced back well.   Bouncing back; I guess that is the only physical gift God gave me; to just getting up off the floor and try to fight one more round; that is all I have got to go with.  When that plays out I am out of bullets.

But time is passing quickly and I need to ramp up and get serious or get off this ride. I want to ride a while longer.  As I write this both legs are tender with soreness from a couple of great bike rides in some great weather.  There is a sort of satisfaction in that if that makes any sense.  When I get up from the chair and it hurts a bit, I know I fought the good fight today.  I sense God is pleased with my effort as well, and that makes it all the more worthwhile to go at it this week, to "run the race set before me."

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