Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Please Tell Me Again.

 Tell me again.  Tell me again that I am too old.  Remind me again that I have AFIB.  Tell me again I have a train wreck of a left  knee.  Runing or even walking 26 miles on that would be a horror show.  Oh Lord, Tell me again.  I don't seem to get it. So, tell me again. Remind me again of the struggle I would inflict on my family.  Tell me again I have not been riding my bike outside in over a year. Oh Lord, put some sense into me and tell me again to forget this triathlon stuff.  

Oh I need to be refreshed on all the good things I could be doing for God if I didn't bury myself to brain-dead in ironman training.  I need that one word for God.  "STOP"   Or how about three words, "LET IT GO!!"  But I haven't heard it and I go on sort of mentally disabled with "What if" thoughts.  It doesn't do me any good to  go on hungering for the opportunity to do an expensive self-destruct. Oh Lord quiet my heart.  Tell me. Tell me again.  Maybe this time I'll get it.

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