Sunday, July 9, 2023

Born-Again Loser

Is that me out there?  Was I out there rocking and rolling in the water and waves with other souls of similar nature?  Will I ever be in a crowd like this again?  Do I REALLY want to be out there?  Does it hold the same passion, the same challenge, the same adventure as it did in younger years?  

This doesn't look as comfortable as my recliner does. This is a lot more tiring than visiting, sitting, and discussing how the world is going to hell in a handbasket or the latest in dietary considerations.  Yeah, this looks like it could hurt and there could be a risk involved.  Why take risks when you don't have to?  Save your life from that distress.  You are old and worn out.  What are you thinking anyway?  Do I  really want to do this anymore? 

The photo below stirs an old musty memory of being out there in the fray, feeling keenly alive.  This memory is so unlike recliner and conversation duty where I feel somewhere between very comfortable and very tired, half alive and half dead and ready for bed. The comfort of going through life, even at my age, and just checking the "being  good" boxes of life is  obviously not going to be enough for this old and restless  spirit.  The Bible says, "Whosoever shall save his  life  shall lose it. And,  whosoever shall  lose his  life for my sake shall find it."  I will have to find this again or something  else of similar passion and challenge.  Yeah, maybe I am to be a loser for God and "run the race that is set before me."  Praise God, I am a born-again loser. 

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