Saturday, June 26, 2021

Living in Hope and Expectation

 Next week is a series of tests to see what may be wrong with my heart if anything.  I can't say I look forward to the next week and I hate not to be looking forward.  To me, looking forward is the essence of life well-lived. Looking forward is living in the hope God would have for us.  Living with sense of hope and expectation- why not? What is there to lose that won't be lost eventually here in this world.  No matter how high we climb, the time to come down will come.  No matter how forward looking we have in our hopes here, there will come a time when our hopes will have to be penned to eternity; our only true hope. 

But, knowing we win, because He won; that death was swallowed up in victory, we can live victorious in this life as well, knowing how the story ends- with a new beginning. Amen

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