Thursday, December 12, 2019

Week 18 - Training for Ironman Texas 2020 - Lacing Up

So fragile is life. Our plans, hopes, and dreams can get derailed in a moment.  In my opinion, we all know that, but the fragile nature of plans and life is not fully taken in until it lands in your lap. That is why training long term like for an ironman can be such a tenuous enterprise.  All the work and planning can just go up in smoke seemingly in a moment.  Then all the effort comes to naught.  Or does it?

Perhaps the fragility of it all, and the overcoming that has to be done just to get the training in, is part of the ironman experience itself.  Of the people who line up, who doesn't have an overcoming story of some sort in getting there?

I had a fair week of training, but mentally I seem to be on the ropes getting the stuffing beat out of me at the time.  They say just keep putting one foot ahead of the other and keep moving forward.  But so much has come against me that my feet seem to be rebelling and don't want to move.  Why?  My feet seem to say.  And there it is, the ironman question we must all answer for ourselves.  As for me, I got myself all prayed up and I'm lacing up my shoes for a run.

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