Tuesday, October 29, 2019

12th Week - Training For Ironman Texas 2020 - Six Months Until

The weeks have passed quickly and it seems I have not made too much progress.  But, I guess I have achieved the goals I set for this period.  My impatience raises its ugly head and I want to be in complete ironman shape and NOW.

But no matter how bad I want this or how hard and long I have trained, there is huge doubt to be dealt with.  There are medical issues with my wife which we are in the dark about.  The stress has already got into my head with the training. Now, it is doubly hard to get out there and train.  But, I would guess that most ironman participants have gauntlets to run through to get to the starting line. It is part of the journey and I would suppose it is one of the big reasons that completing one of these things is such a personal victory.  

After this next week, it will be six months to game time.  My revised goal is to just take it one day at a time; do the workouts if you can. If I get stopped by these things coming up, then I will have at least had this part of the journey.  So this new ironman plan is much like doing the ironman itself; one step in front of the other until you have to drop out or cross the finish line.  God bless.

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