Tuesday, October 22, 2019

11th Week - Training for Ironman Texas 2020 - Achieving Mediocrity

Again, no great week.  It seems like sometimes my training is missile locked on mediocrity.  Am I getting good at being and doing just enough to say I am training for Ironman Texas, yet not enough to truly prepare for it.?  Sure life gets in the way but it does for everyone who wants this.  

I did get in the long bike and managed the long run although I had to split that into a two-a-day to get it in.  This is more of the "just enough" mode  I seem to be in.  In writing my short book on this training venture, this journey, I have written an alternative ending where I quit this enterprise altogether and move away from ironman pursuit.  Right now with motivation in the toilet, that alternative ending seems might inviting to live out.

So, for the time being, I will just go on and see if this smoldering wet wood might eventually my somehow ignite into a flame.  That would be my first choice and my prayer.

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