Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Second Training Week- Ironman Texas - Not So Good

The answer to another week as good as the first one was no. Fatigue in this heat wrung me out and I felt I needed a day off after 2 months of training some every day.  The second week could be called a stagger.  I did the best I could with the body and mind I had to work with but it wasn't a great week.

Years of this have taught not to believe the present is permanent, whether it be good or bad.  Whatever; it will change. Years of this have taught me to be ready for the downturns and don't lose hope and focus.  Years of this have taught me to relish and absorb the hope and joy when things are really great.  These will make your umbrella for the rains of doubt, fear, and fatigue which are sure to come.
Basically, in the balance, it is about not feeding the doubts and watering the hopes.  There is a grin as I write this and I can know my ship is still aright, and my hope is secure.  Praise God.

(Age 75, Eating Plant-Based  (no animal, no eggs, no dairy) for over 3 years now)

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