Friday, May 31, 2019

Feeding Your Faith II

A large part of this post is from a previous post back in 2015.  Not much of my spirit had changed, it seems.  And I still have that bum knee.

Yesterday my run cut short due to lightning. But, that's OK. My bad knee needed the rest as it is painful at times.  However,  that crack in my armor gives my doubting too much room in my view.   

I like the saying: "Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death." So, to do that, I have to go about setting up conditions to starve the doubts.  You can shut down the fire in a stove by cutting down the air and by shutting down the air to doubts, and not let them breathe. I try not to give doubt thoughts air but instead give air to recalling all the times God has brought me through.  How about the time He saved me out when I barely escaped from a burning vehicle or the time He saved me out when I had some sort of allergic reaction and couldn't breathe; or the time I had hyponatremia a the end of a marathon and thought I was dying.  He brought me through so many trials in life and in numerous endurance experiences, training sessions, and all the other times in life when I could not see my own way through. 

"Feed your faith and your doubts will stave to death"

So, if you see some doubts out there, weak and emaciated,  staggering around choking to death, know that  I succeeded in not giving them air and I am still out there, praise God, still training and feeding my faith well.

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