Friday, September 7, 2018

Ironman Diary - Days 17-18

And the lack of motivation goes on and I am doing a little downtime with minimal training.  It's all good. As the scriptures says "All things work together for those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)  Yeah, called according to His purpose; the takeaway for me today:   keep moving forward; don't try to tally the score.  Keep moving forward in the faith that the road is the right one and the destination is in God's hands.

Who knows but the journey is destination and that experience has truths which can best be illuminated by the day to day striving against what, right now I would say, are pretty long odds. Perhaps the journey is meant also for as few as just one other person, a testimony of sorts to bring insight and inspiration?  I don't know and probably won't ever know why I am doing this.  It is only important that I do; to be obedient.  Like a flower trying to bud, the bloom will come in due time. Trust and obey.  Obedience: perhaps that could be the lesson of these miles of the Journey.

Faith to believe - Courage to obey - Patience to wait

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