Monday, January 12, 2015

Training Continues

Monday January for IM TX resumes. The training has been consistent but not great. My long rides and long runs have not come off like I had hoped. The weather has been cold, wet, and dreary and where I live, running on trails gets very slippery; the feet get very wet and cold; not something I look forward to. The bike has been indoors and doing OK. Last week I had 166 total miles with a 50 miler for the longest.

Support, motivation: I watch IM DVDS and bike race DVDS. Sometimes this isn't easy to pull oneself up and out, but its the journey and I can say that almost without realizing it, this journey is changing me. Looking back at my records I can see I have done a lot of overcoming putting in the miles training swim-bike-run. And just about the time I think no one notices, my granddaughter reminds me of a workout on my training schedule which is on the refrigerator. I am so blessed to have the burden to carry, this mission to fulfill.

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