Thursday, December 29, 2011

Let This Be the Year

For better or worse, this will be a different year. Will this year be the year I finally do my Ironman? Or, is this the year I have to quit triathlons altogether? Is this the year?

Is this the year I get on top of self-indulgent habits? Or, is this the year I just cave in completely to creature comforts? Is this the year I get on top of my anger, guilt, and pride to become more fully who God would have me be? Is this the year?

Is this the year I become more sure of myself and what I stand for that I can be more accepting of others? Is this the year I can love my fellow man more fully despite our differences? Let this be the year.


Robin said...

We never know, do we? Yet we can be assured that whatever happens, it will make us grow and stretch and become someone new. I wish you all the best in 2012, your goals, dreams, and wishes and the journey of your heart.

Anonymous said...

I think that every year is a year to strive for such awareness and control of self! Sometimes we are better at it than other!
Al the best, and may this be a great one!!!