Sunday, January 9, 2011

This Triathlete's Prayer

Standing at the edge of the lake, waiting for the event, the day, and the remainder of my life to begin.  I humbly ask your blessing for Your plans and purposes to be fulfilled in all that lies before me. May I fear not to enter the waters cold, or to climb the steep hills of this course or the course of this life. Help me to remember that I am "beautifully and wonderfully" made, and you have placed all I need within me. Give me courage to step out in faith: to try more, to risk more, to care more, to be more than I am now, that I may grow toward all you would have me be.

And when I push beyond myself; when my steps grow weary toward despair, continue to carry me on, that I might finish this race with grateful humility.

In Jesus' Name---Amen


Anonymous said...

Amen Amen. Everyday prayer it's going on the fridge. Thank you Marv.

God Bless, Steven

Anne said...

Very well said Marvin.

Unknown said...

WOW! Thank you Marvin!

God Bless, Cheers!