Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Rising Against the Wind"

My hat's in the ring for another half ironman distance event. I have heard this is a tough one , but it is also one that I can qualify for the Ironman World Championship at Kona or the Ironman 70.3 Championship in Las Vegas.

Usually, there are not many participants in my age group. Maybe, I thought, I can win a war of attrition here and qualify for something? Check the participant list: 9 other men in my age group have already signed up. My goodness ! Check the names against last years rankings...Yikes ! Some of these guys are really good. One did a half ironman distance event two hours faster than I did last year. That is a lot of time to make up. Looks like qualifying chances are pretty slim.

So why am I so pumped up about it? It is just what I needed to hear. Now, I know that during my training all this will come back at me, and I will push just a little harder, a little longer. I love being the underdog. Against all odds has a wonderful ring to it that fires my imagination, and enhances the whole experience; training and event. Oh sure, It would be nice if I had just a tad of talent, but I don't. It would be nice if I were a razor thin, light weight with thunder thighs, but I'm not. So, plodders like me have to try harder, work harder. That's what underdogs do.

"A certain amount of opposition can be of great help to a man- Kites rise against, not with the wind." John Neal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great philosophy Marv. Love the quote too. Just because someone did it two hours faster doesn't mean you won't qualifiy. Believe in yourself and have the faith of a man that believes like you do and anything will and can be possible.

God bless