Monday, January 24, 2011

The Perfect Start

I am playing way above my head-Every workout of this training plan, every day-perfect, not a day or workout missed. Three weeks now and still on track. It has sort of grown, and taken a life of its own. I remember the first day; I had to run at night in the cold to get that run in.

The regimen seems easier, since it has become part of the day, and again, part of my life. Sure, I will miss workouts sooner or later. I will have bad patches. But a homing habit is being built in these early weeks, which, when I fall, will take me back to the plan.

At the same time, it seems that other parts of life are beginning to achieve a certain clarity they did not posses before. I seem to be training new eyes with which to sift out the day to determine what truly matters.

I have been here before. At the end of the sifting, at end of the event I am training for, I will find myself left only with the love of my wife, my family, my friends, and a deeper love and relationship with God. It doesn't sound like much, but it more than enough, and all I will ever need.

Thank God for training days!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marv are you kidding me, It sounds like a lot if you ask me. You are a real inspiration. You are also one of the best reads on the internet.

Keep up the good work my friend.

God Bless